Friday, August 24, 2012

How Do You Measure A Year?

"It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars."
-Garrison Keillor

Especially Double Fasciotomies:
Truer words have never been written. Big, ugly physical scars on the outside and tiny tears in the fabric of one's emotional being that can't be seen at all. Healing from a serious injury must occur on the inside as well as the outside and the time it takes is unique to each person.

Today marks one year from the date of the closure of my double fasciotomy. One year and and three days from the moment my mother found me unconscious and unresponsive on my bathroom floor; my heart still aches for her when I think about it. In my previous life, years were measured by accomplishments at work and celebrations with friends and family; time always seemed to fly by. This past year has been marked by rehabilitation and attempting to re-enter the workforce; I'm ready for some celebration...  

How Does One Measure A Year?
525,600 minutes
31,536,000 seconds

We definitely need to close this post out with a song; I'm thinking this calls for a little 'RENT' -- click to listen: Seasons of Love